Thursday, October 29, 2015

Why Old Institutions and Asylums Seem Creepy

Link To Essay

This time of year the old Rosewood property seems to get popular in Maryland, I always thought of old institutions and asylums to be scary. Not because of the people that lived there, but because of how the "clients" were treated. We are talking about a time when patients had no rights and could not speak up.  I know from being  in a few places, bad things happen and I am sure they were even worse before my time.

I think it is ok to let yourself get a bit creeped out from this place, but not because of people who lived there. Rather for the reason  why a spirit cannot move on.  Maybe we should not use the words haunted, or ghost. Most of the time when spirits hung out the have unfinished business, or are just pissed off.

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