Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Bondage of Liberty, 2018, Digital Media, 19200 X 16000 PX​

Bondage of Liberty, 2018, Digital Media, 19200 X 16000 PX
Physical bondage is nothing compare to mental bonds, those are the real disabilities that can kill anyone’s soul. The fight to save the ADA and Medicaid may be for physical access, but I view it as the principal of knowing that we are seen as equals in society. When you tell adult where they can life, or limit the places where the can go is that the America we want to live in?

The Real Fear, 2017, Digital Media, 12000 X 12000 PX​

The Real Fear, 2017, Digital Media, 12000 X 12000 PX
Not going to jail, but going back to nursing homes and worse. If there will be Medicaid cuts, it will send thousands of PWDs back to live in nursing homes and institutions. This will take away hall of our rights and be treated worse than inmates.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

If You Must, 2018, Digital Media, 19200 X 19200 PX​

If You Must, 2018, Digital Media, 19200 X 19200 PX
The fact is, physical force is no stranger to the disability community. From using it as a way to correct behaviors to thinking brute-force would be the only to move someone around. Sometimes when people feel passionate about their believes this is a risk worth taken. One person’s passion can be another’s outrage.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Ron, 2019, Digital Media, 4200 X 24967 PX​

Ron, 2019, Digital Media, 4200 X 24967 PX
$600.00 Not for Sale
When I joined FaceBook, I had a lot of people connect to me that saw the Doc King Gimp and a few that also purchase a piece of my art. Ron was one of the lucky ones to own a piece of my art, the brave soul put it on a credit card. When he hung it up in his home, there was one color in the painting he liked so much, he painted the room that color. Ron is a graphic Artist, so we trade work my favorite piece was when he morphed me into the rabbit from Donny Darko!