Saturday, March 20, 2010


I have been putting this off for almost a year, I do not know why? As many of you fellow gimps know, Medicare makes you choose between a manual, and a power chair. They do not see the social need for having both. But anyway I have had the same manual chair for say 17 to 20 years. When the sling seat would tear, I would take it to my local shoe repair store and have it sown back together. I did this about 3 times, until I went to present to a class of Put’s students. The professor puts my chair on the table and just rips it apart. I knew my chair was a piece of junk. The whole frame was bent from years of abuse and trips around the world. The class fitted me with a hard seat, not attached to the chair.
A few months later comes the excitement of the wedding, picking up people from airport and stuff. On one trip we retuned home and no seat is to be found. We left it in the airport garage, so it’s gone. Lucky we had an antique chair to use for the wedding.
The day after the wedding, my new father in-law was outside trying to rig a seat for my manual chair. It worked for 4 days. We were in Spring Field, IL. and the seat was a goner. So I said lets go to a hard ware store. So we found a Loews, their first ideal was to send us to a metal smith. We did not have that kind of $$$, or time.
My plan was to get a piece of plywood on hold it on with L shape brackets. Thank god we meant the right sale persons, they became a NASCAR pit crew. They cut the wood and screwed everything together.
Several months later I received a new, old chair with the help of Asha. Through her and class mates connections with the Delray Center. It might not be perfect, but this chair is better then what I was using.

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