Monday, May 20, 2013

Paying My Dues

Back to the old grind of emailing schools, colleges, and disability organizations trying to get speaking engagements. It was nice that Service Coordination had given me the opportunity to be their keynote at this year’s Self Direction Conferences. I do hope they are satisfied with the advice I could offer during my presentation.

I also hope that Wifey and I did not give Mike too many heart attacks with out last minut5es decisions, or our 10 minutes ETA calls.  This is on top of planning his wedding that is in 5 days. I know his wedding and marriage will go as smoothly as our presentations!

One could that this type of opportunity like Service Coordination Inc. gave me, could fall in one’s lap once, or twice in a lifetime.

1 comment:

  1. Special thanks to Dan and Dena for their support and attendance at all 6 Self Direction Conferences this year. Every time they shared Dan's message, I learned a little something more about myself and I'm quite thankful for that.
    And on a personal note, extra special thanks for all the support and kind advice about marriage.

