PWD are going to hell no matter what! There are still people out there who still think PWD are just possess by demons. Yes I do have story to back that up, it is some where on my blog. I even had to go to court for it.
To make the story short, I was rolling home from TU and this person chase me for 3 blocks. Hitting me on the head to cast out the demons in me. Although she was the one foaming out the mouth.
Then when we do fall in love, it will be more difficult since benefits will be cut. When this happens one person becomes the soul provider and puts more strain on the relationship. So to some people it might seem that we end up living in sin. I respect what people believe, I just think this respect goes both ways.
I say fuck it, I will live me life to the fullest and if I get judge at the end, bring it on. So far I only have one regret in life!
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