Thursday, October 9, 2014

Some Tech Questions for The King

Here are some questions I just answer for a group of IT students.

What are some difficulties that you face while doing your art?
Most recently the problem that I have been having is sweating, my hair gets wet and my headstick falls.  Really the big problem that I face is when I try new mediums and have to figure out how to attach it to my headstick, or how too use it to my needs. This goes for any time I get a new piece of equipment, there is always a period of debugging.

Do you think that a robotic arm would make it easier for you to do art?
I think a robotic arm will be the same idea as using a computer for art and communicating. It takes out the human factor out of the process; maybe I just have not found the right software yet.

Do you think that a classroom environment would affect the way someone with cerebral palsy would learn art?
There is a need for both classroom and studio time, every artist needs to interact with their peers. This provides an environment of growth, to see what other student are doing and share ideas. Even if the disabled student does not produce art during class time, they might be thinking about how the conversations relate to the art. Just because someone is not an active participant in the group, does not take away from the value of being included.

Do you think that an electric wheelchair would help you do your art?
I have seen videos of people that attached paintbrushes to chairs and just drive their chairs around the canvas to make the marks. I have thought about getting a huge canvas and put paint on my wheels and make marks on the canvas. It would just be something to try. How would you really control where the marks go to create the image that you want. One would have to work from the center out and really have to plan everything out.

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